PDC - Phillips Distilling Company
PDC stands for Phillips Distilling Company
Here you will find, what does PDC stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Phillips Distilling Company? Phillips Distilling Company can be abbreviated as PDC What does PDC stand for? PDC stands for Phillips Distilling Company. What does Phillips Distilling Company mean?The United States based company is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of PDC
- Passive data collection
- Primary Domain Controller
- Professional Developers Conference
- Portland Development Commission
- Personal Digital Cellular
- Professional Development Center
- Partido Demócrata Cristiano
- Public Disclosure Commission
View 212 other definitions of PDC on the main acronym page
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- PTS Pioneers Technical Systems
- PWD Portland Water District
- PTI Perry Technical Institute
- PHL Popular Holdings Limited
- PNB Province of New Brunswick
- PHIMNH PHI Mu National Headquarters
- PDS Precision Door Service
- PTSA Punto Ticket S.A.
- PADE PA. Department of Education
- PSS Pelican Self Storage
- PCLIMI PCL Industrial Management Inc.
- PSCW Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
- PSUTGL PSU Technology Group Ltd
- PMGL Planate Management Group LLC
- PRH Park Royal Hotel